What's that you ask? It's The new laundry product by Downy, called Unstopables, in an oil burner. Apparently if you do this, your house will have a 'just done fresh laundry' scent all day long. I've seen this all over Pinterest, and tried to find the blog that this image originated from but couldn't. I did however find a lot of people complaining that it didn't work, and just ended up smelling badly burnt.
Let's back up here. People are taking laundry products, and melting them. With out a care or thought in the world about what is IN this product. I'll give you a hint - it's not just lovely magical scent beads that are perfectly fine to melt. I can tell you right now this isn't a good idea. There is a big difference between adding something to your wash, and melting it and breathing in those heavenly scented fumes. But just to play it safe on my report, I emailed P&G directly about this. I have a feeling the woman who replied thought I had lost my ever loving mind, and gave me your pretty basic reply:
Thanks for contacting Downy
Safety is our top priority and all our products are thoroughly evaluated to be safe when used properly. We cannot recommend using a product for a different purpose or in any way other than as explained in the instructions on the label.
Thanks again for writing
Megan - Downy Team
So there you go, direct from P&G, you really shouldn't be using something used in your wash in an oil burner. And because I'm curious enough, I looked up the actual safety data on Unstopables. Which is just full of interesting information. Not only do they recommend NOT using water if this stuff catches fire, they also directly say to avoid excessive heat and open flames. I haven't bothered to look up the ingredients to see how it could affect you if you inhale them, but I can take a guess and imagine it's probably not the best thing. (you can read the write up here (PDF) if you're interested)
I haven't seen this one yet, but I'm LMAO at it. It really seems like a bad, bad idea.
DeleteI bought some Dreft blissfuls just today and am excited to try this! They were 50% with the Cartwheel ap from Target, so I got the large container for under $5!! Common sense rules, people. Anything can be dangerous if you don't use your brains and keep an eye on it.
DeleteJulie, you seem to be missing a big part of the "common sense" that identifies this practice as a problem. This is a product including poisonous chemicals intended for a specific use. Whether or not the practice could burn your house down, they're still not something you're supposed to be breathing in at a more concentrated rate than the residue left on clean laundry. I also sincerely hope for your friends/family/neighbors that no one who visits your home has the (fairly common) issue of getting headaches, migraines, or nasty allergic reactions to artificial scents.
DeleteOh behave. Do you really think if they were that bad that someone wouldn't have had a reaction yet? The makers sent out a standard 'cover their back reply ' and it's been twisted and overly dramatised. Get real
DeleteOMG, i cannot believe what i am reading. I hope you are being sarcastic... As burning plastics is usually highly carcinogenic, until someone develops cancer and if they fancy tracking their life in high detail (which to be honest, they could be dying, they probably wouldn't be wasting their precious time...) I don't think this is over dramatised..
DeleteI know someone who has tried this. She spent most of today in hospital having chest scans and on various breathing apparatus cos she stupidly decided that this was a good thing to do. I saw her this morning and she couldn't catch her breath. Last week she had an ambulance called cos she couldn't breathe, but yet still she carried on lighting a candle under these damn things while she slept. Come on guys, this is a laundry product, not a candle product!!!!
DeleteI have used a teaspoon of lrnor UN in my oil burner, with ONE tea candle and the smell was fabulous and the safty is no concern to me, ...the woman used 2 tea candles, which i have to say have set on fire not the soap granules,yes, they are soap ...try setting them on fire as i did....it was impossible
DeleteIve been doing this for 3yrs and Im completley healthy I also smoke had my lungs looked at last week because i cought a cold from a friend and I also told my doc i was scared i might die cus i use fabric beads for my tart warmer and people are saying it causes cancer and death doc said my lungs look great like i never smoked a day in my life also had a cbc everything came back normal cold is gone i feel fine but almost had a heart attack after reading all these scary stories now im scared to even use them on my clothes now since people are saying there so poisonous and the chemicals are so horrible and thou shouldn't breathe it well christ i can smell them potentially when i wash with them as soon as i take them out the washer why would any one want somthing so poisonous with bad chemicals on their clothing that linger on their skin Im calling downey and complaining asap thanks for the warning people
DeleteWell if u want to use it as a smell good with out putting yourself in danger just do what I do put some into a small bowl place it in several different places around your home and guess what? Your house smells great!!!!
DeleteStop lying, if you smoke you're not completely healthy!
DeleteIngredients listed on the product label are: perfume dispersant, perfume and dye. Downy Unstopables do not contain ingredients considered hazardous as defined by OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200 or WHMIS under the HPA.
DeleteStop fear-mongering!!
For one they are not required to list all ingredients! Someone I clean for puts them in her vacuum and my cleaning crew can't stand the smell so we have to use a different bag! And as far as using it for your clothes really if you all smell that bad then there is something wrong! The only thing it does is mask odor. And personally I would never use it!
DeletePerfume, dispersing and dye are not ingredients. They are categories and there is no legal requirement to break down the actual ingredients in these descriptions. Please avoid anything with fragrance or perfume, a lot of disreputable companies will stick all sorts of nasties in their because they are cheap. Not scare mongering, just trying to spread the love.
DeleteDont burn them! I'm no rocket scientist but I burned them in my burner and I experienced breathing problems that were severe. I must add that I have asthma. I'm scheduled for a lung CT bc I can't breathe without using my nebulizer. That stuff uses strong chemicals to produce the long lasting smell. I only took the time to help someone. We all know the combination of chemicals mixed with heat causes all sorts of problems but we're so unstoppable!lol
DeleteI've not seen this directing the use of an oil burner, but I have seen it on Pinterest using a warmer (used to melt the candle wax) which seems more logical than burning, if one were to try it.
ReplyDeleteAs a PhD chemist, I use this all the time in my house and never have had any problems. The house smells great and it works well. Of course, I don't leave it unattended and use it in the larger rooms.
ReplyDeleteYeah enjoy the respiratory problems and hormonal imbalances..hope you are not poisoning any children as well.
DeleteAs a time-traveling cyborg from the future, I can tell you that this stuff is revolutionary! While using unstopables on a wax burner merely makes your home smell so fresh and so clean-clean, once CERN gets their hands on it and uses it in the Large Hadron Collider, it will open a 2-way portal to another dimension outside of the known universe, where humanity will have access to unimaginable technologies, including time travel. I have come back to tell you this so that you can get the information to CERN sooner so that the war that burns North America and Western Asia to the ground can be prevented by the peace that will inevitably ensue after the dimensional portal is opened.
DeletePlease don't ignore this message. You can trust me, because I am a cyborg; lying is not part of our programming.
This is by far the most hilarious thing I have ever read in my entire life!!!! Thank you for the laugh I needed it.
DeleteSomeone watches too much Fringe
DeleteLmao! I just spit coffee everywhere! Made my day too.
DeleteLmao😂😂😂😂😂yassss made my day
DeleteIt says not to uses water STREAM, but spray will put out the flames.
ReplyDeleteI have used this product in a wax/tart warmer w/amazing results. Thus, first, it works. Second, P&G's response to your question is boiler plate and predictable. Even if their product can be used in another foreseeable manner, P&G cannot provide its stamp of approval. It would expose the company to an enormous liability. Moreover, Downy's Material Data Sheet reveals that it is unlikely there is danger in heating the product as it must withstand hot water temperatures (up to 100 C), where this product is generally used. As such, your outrage seems over the top and misguided.
ReplyDeleteWhen using it in a wax lighted burner, no fire, do you add water to help it melt and smell or just add the pebbles straight in?
DeleteI just put my in the warmer as is. they never smell burnt. they just melt and then smell delicious. I've only lit it once and its been four days and my room still smells amazing
DeleteIf you use these products in a scentsy warmer, it will void the warranty.
DeleteYou Scentsy people and your goddam warranties.Nobody cares.
DeletePeople do care. go ahead and buy a store bought warmer, see how long it lasts you. Then go buy another one, and another one.Buy one Scentsy warmer, lasts forever cause they will replace it when it dies for free. Pretty good bang for your buck I would say. Oh and that warmer from the store you bought? keep it away from your kids and pets, cause the wax will burn them, oh and that wax you are using is highly toxic. Not the case with Scentsy. Don't knock it unless you truly know the quality and value of Scentsy as opposed to store bought. It is actually a really great product.
DeleteScentsy is an over priced monopolized product....it doesn't matter if you buy a warmer from Scentsy, Walmart, Crackerbarrel, HEB, a random store online, whatever...as long as you use them properly and take care of them they work just as well just as long...I have some I bought from Walmart that outlasted Scentsy ones I have some I bought from Crackerbarrel that outlasted any of the ones I've bought from any place...doesn't matter what you pay or where you buy them...what matters is the care and use of the product...
DeleteThe wax I'm using is "highly toxic"?! Well damn you all to hell Yankee Candle and Bath & Body Works!! How dare you legally sell highly toxic items to consumers AND have never had anyone die from the toxicity of your way products!! I'm throwing all of mine in the trash IMMEDIATELY!! Some dumpster diver is gonna be one happy camper this weekend haha ;)
DeletePlease inform us mindless consumers- exactly what wax does Scentsy use that is 100% safe, and what everyone else uses that isn't. I'm on pins and needles waiting for this answer...
Scentsy gets unbelievably hot!!! Can't even handle the warmers because the bulb gets that hot!! Yikes! I stopped using scentsy when the on/off thing melted. I have now discovered Gold Canyon which blows Scentsy, Yankee and everything else out of the water. And they use pods that you can empty and reuse so putting something different in the pod does NOT void your warranty. AND they have automatic shutoff timers. And GC uses food grade parrafin wax.
DeleteThe max lightbulb wattage used in a scents warmer is 25. Of course, it's hot enough to burn you if you touch the bulb but it barely melts the unstoppables! I agree, P&G has to give you the "we cannot recommend..." answer per their legal department. This is not the same as saying by doing this it's toxic! Come on, people! Get facts before you spread panic!
DeleteThe max lightbulb wattage used in a scents warmer is 25. Of course, it's hot enough to burn you if you touch the bulb but it barely melts the unstoppables! I agree, P&G has to give you the "we cannot recommend..." answer per their legal department. This is not the same as saying by doing this it's toxic! Come on, people! Get facts before you spread panic!
DeletePeople should just try pink zebra sprinkles , same little beads and pretty much the same price, and not toxic all soy. 60 scents And never get hot enough to burn anyone!
DeleteI sell oil warmers and fragrance and essebtuak oils (I am not a scentsy dealer, and the warmers I sell start at only 3.00), and would definitely not recommend doing this, but if you really, really, insist on doing something this stupid, I would absolutely not recommend doing it in a candle burning oil warmer. People have been seeing this stupid pintrest post and trying it with candle powered oil and tart warmers, the heat is very inconsistent in candle powered warmers, they get very hot. I always recommend putting water in the bowl, then a few drops of oil so as to use less oil and insulate the bowl from getting over heated, and I have observed the water boiling in the candle heated oil warmers. People have been reading the pintrest post about the laundry beads, trying it with a candle powered warmer, and their warmers have been catching on fire due to the high heat generated. I wouldn't use these in an electric warmer either, scentsy or otherwise, but if I were I would use the lowest heat setting possible. Instead of using the beads,if I wanted to save some money on wax tarts after the scent is gone from them, I would either add a few drops of a good quality essential oil, or shop a store or site that sells fragrance additives specifically for use in candle making. I would probably opt for essential oils because I'm allergic to the solvents used in candle making oils, products such as Yankee and Wildberry knock me out flat with allergies, so yeah, some of these items may not get a reaction for you, but they can be toxic to a lot of people. If I wanted to scent my room with unstoppables, there are several ways to do so more safely, I would make little sachets and tuck them in sofa cushions or drawers or some such, and would also consider putting a few inside a vacuum cleaner bag for a burst of fragrance while vacuuming. I would definitely not recommend using heat for it. How did pintrest become synonymous with "I saw it on pintrest, so it must be a good idea"? It isn't necessarily, some of these ideas should be taken with a grain of salt, and half the stuff that is put on pinterest is marketing on the part of big corporations, not Downey of course, they can't recommend doing something so dumb with their product, but there are plenty of posts out there that were placed by corporate to market things at you, so you should take that with a grain of salt too.
DeleteMmm considering Scentsy wax is made with harmful toxins suchs as paraffin's I think you have no right throwing insults at other waxes when yours are equally as toxic. So.
DeleteI'm pretty sure the scentsy police doesn't live in my house and they won't know wtf I put in it so if it breaks I'll STILL get a new one from them!
DeleteI've had a crappy wax burner from big lots for 3 years and it works great.. cost me 5 bucks.. what a steal.. I'm gonna go get some unstoppables from big lots (for probably like 2 bucks), sure hope the scentsy Gestapo doesn't catch me..
DeleteNOT HEALTHY! Some Concern: skin irritation/allergies/damage, acute aquatic toxicity, nervous system effects, respiratory effects, biodegradation; Disclosure Concern: non-specific ingredient.
I have a Scentsy warmer as well as one from kmart and 3 from Walmart, my Walmart and Scentsy burners get hotter then anything I've ever owned. I also have Scentsy wax cubes and Walmart ones, the Walmart ones Snell stronger and last longer. Also idk why ppl are using their laundry products because you can buy unstopable wax cubes!!! Problem solved!
DeleteActually scentsy wax is not toxic they've made it completely safe in case small kids or animals get a hold of it and yea some smells like candy so kids or pets may try to eat it and it won't taste good lol but it is 100% safe. As for the warrent void above comment was right they don't know what you used in the warmer so just don't tell them and it'll be fine lol. Scentsy warmers dont get that hot though my Wal-Mart warmers burn me my scentsy ones do not are you sure you're using the right bulb? I sell scentsy actually and using the wrong bulb is actually common. Flip your warmer over there should be a scentsy sticker that tells you what wattage to use and while I love the product I sell and I love my discounts I will say Wal-Mart does have 1 specific wax that scentsy hasnt matched the smell of yet so I use it often and again no one needs to know what we use in our warmers all that matters is tell them you used scentsy and the life time warrent applies ��
DeleteJust clean your home it will smell great.
DeleteQuestion...why waste almost $5 to burn unstoppables when you can get scented wax in a variety of amazing scents for like $2 a pound?
ReplyDeleteLol please inform us where you buy a pound of scented wax for $2?
DeleteYes...please do!
DeleteI am sure any such wax does harm to the environment, including humans! Support what's natural in this world and go for beeswax; a better scent and air purifier than any other blend of commercial products.
DeleteYou're sure based on what information???
Delete$4 for $8 at Walmart.
I am all for being resourceful but only when it is cost effective. THIS is not cost effective. I have to agree with the comment above. The wax is cheaper and I KNOW it is not toxic. It was a good idea but not worth the risk or robbing my pocket book. Thanks for this post!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty your not supposed to melt them you just place them in the warmer....
ReplyDeletePutting them in the warmer WILL melt them.
DeleteI put mine in the warmer and they never melt! The just turn white after a few days from the heat and stop smelling then I change them out
DeleteIf you stop and think about it you burn one pack of wax on at least a weekly bases, that at least $8 a month or you can spend $5 and use it much longer than a month if thats all you use it for. If used in your laundry then yes it will go faster but your already buying the product so how is it wasting more money?
ReplyDeleteI agree, every brand of wax melts I have ever tried smells great for about an hour, but then stops smelling, so I go through the pack very quickly. If these last like people are saying they do, it would be much more cost effective to spend the $5 on a bottle of unstopables, plus if the smell starts to fade you could just add a little more.
ReplyDeleteTry Gold Canyon.....seriously. it lasts much longer than any Ive ever tried.
DeleteIt would be more cost effective and safer to get a good quality essential oil or fragrance oil and just add a few drops to the wax when the scent is gone.
DeleteWhere are all you ppl buying unstopables for 2 and 5 dollars? They are way more expensive.
DeleteThe wax doesn't stop smelling, you become immune to the smell. If you leave the room and come back you can smell it again. I use Scentsy all the time and usually forget to turn the burner off before going out. When I come back, my house still smells just as lovely.... 3 or 4 hours later. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree but I have to put a new cube in every day and that is with scentsy and Walmart brand!
DeleteDepends on the scent you are using. The stronger scents last way longer. Also depends on the room size you have your warmer in. If its a big room, you may need like a full size and a nightlight warmer. I
DeleteAlso if you add wax to wax that doesn't smell anymore its diluting the new ones you put in.
DeleteReally not safe to leave scentsy or any other oil, candle, or tart warmer going when you leave, it should always be attended just the same as you would pay attention to candles burning or what have you.
DeleteI love using them in my wax warmer and it smells amazing. I've never had a problem with it. My favorite!
ReplyDeleteTry Pink Zebra www.pinkzebrahome.com/kristinasloan
ReplyDeleteThey look just like unstoppables but are soy based and are SAFE. If there's a small chance they could be harmful, why chance that with your family?
I've used downey and gain in wash booster in my wax warmer without any issues. I've started adding in a splash of water with them to make it more fluid and it helps it last longer.
ReplyDeleteAlso, regarding the comments about cost... is a bottle of in wash booster more expensive than one pack of generic events? Yes. But, just as you do not use an entire package of wax melts at once, you (definitely) don't add an entire bottle of booster into the wax warmer. If you do the math, per ounce, I'm sure you will find this to be much more cost effective.
Have any of you looked up the ingredients of wax melts? I'm sure it isn't all-natural.
1 bar of wax should last a lot longer than 1 week in 1 warmer. If you are using 1 bar a week you either are wasting it if it's quality wax or it's just really bad wax and not worth your money to begin with.
DeleteScentsy bars ARE natural! Read up before you say something you don't know about!
DeleteDonna... I would love to know how you know what is in the bars, since the company themselves (Scentasy or pink Zebra) do not disclose the ingredients. Though their competition has core obvious ingredients, wax and oils. These oils are not always "Natural", nor is the waxes. Most likely, due to how they melt and reduce, they are soy or synthetic base. The oils vary from essential oils to synthetic fragrances (IE: why their coconut ones smell like the candy version over the natural.)
DeleteNext, look at the ingredients for unstoppables ( which is SOLID FABRIC SOFTENER folks, it has been around for a very long time.) Main things, are wax( to solidify it), perfumes, and stuff to help disperse the perfume (which would be.. wax). Why all the wax, well ask your grandparents who say not to keep using dryer sheets or your towels will be SUPER soft, but resist water over soaking it up.
The only thing different between unstoppable and Candles is its core combiner A fabric softener which is partially made of wax, and candles well.. have wax.
As for the toxic crazy talk. Really? do you guys use antiperspirants? Those have more evidence to be linked to cancer (Predominantly breast cancer) then any wax melted anything. The "Toxic fumes" you are claiming from the whole warning of excessive inhalation can cause respiratory irritation. That same warning comes with anything fragranced. From unstoppables to wax melts, to perfumes, to candles, to air fresheners....
Common sense needs to be classified as a super power I swear..
Athena thank you for an intelligent response. This warning is beyond stupid and just goes to feeding people's fear of the Internet. Common sense would say that the beads are probably safer than even candle wax since they are designed to completely disolve is water. Candles have paraffin which is a petroleum product which is why it produces soot. More than anything cyanide can be safe in the smallest dose and table salt can kill. Because it is not the product that kills it's the dose.
DeleteReason would say that these laundry products would be dangerous to the truck drivers that haul trailers of them. Could you imagine how the trucks smell on a hot day in PHX based on just walking down the aisle at the store?
I use my unstoppables by letting them deaolve in water and then putting said water in my cold air humidifier the smell is amazing and not being heated up at all the water is scented to the max that way
DeleteHave we forgotten how to think ahead? Just because you don't break out in boils five seconds later doesn't mean it's all fluffy clouds and rainbows.
ReplyDeleteKind of reminds me of the whole vaping thing. Just because nobody has had health problems right away doesn't mean there isn't long term effect from it. My choice is that I'd rather be safe than sorry.
DeleteI wonder if using them with a little water in the warmer would be safer since that is how they are activated in the washing machine.
ReplyDeleteWell, their intended use is not to be heated or be airborne. They're supposed to mix with a large quantity of water, soak into a material, then be rinsed out of the material, leaving only trace amounts of the chemical fragrance behind. A respiratory specialist is going to cost you a hell of a lot more than just buying real wax to begin with.
DeleteYou don't need to fret about adding water, there is mixed reviews on if that helps it last longer or not.
DeleteAs for it being "Safer", there is no evidence that when a product that is a solid form of Fabric softener is warmed to release fragrance that it transforms by some sort of dark Wax warmer witch magic into a deadly merciless serial killer. All of the warnings for burning them are the same warning for wax melt (Since they have near same compensation) . So just put them in your warmer and enjoy the scent. Let the people who are out to prove everything and anything can and will kill you worry themselves into a tissy over how they will control what goes on in everyone's houses.
im using the lenor stuff to lol getting a lot of grief for it but does smell amazing much better than melts maybe lenor on to sumin here ,,,,
DeleteIt's scary to me that so many are not concerned about the toxins that are being released and breathed in the air. PLEASE, PLEASE if you do this, do not do it around children!
ReplyDeleteI am seriously in AWE of these posts!! Frightning!
Deleteyou are.. kidding right.. This is like saying "OMG OMG DON'T VACCUM OR BURN CANDLES AROUND CHILDREN"
DeleteAfter all, vacuums can push up dirty air from the floors, candles burn and they have all SORTS of stuff in them, Hell, don't cook around them either, do you know what is IN the AIR, that can be combustible or toxic!
Some candles *are* toxic. The wax isn't the toxic part, it's the solvents they put in them to make the scent throw. Some of that stuff can make me ill for days, so I make my own with good quality essential oils and without all the additives that can make me sick.
DeleteThere is no need for "OMG don't do this around children!!" If your kid has asthma or is fragrance sensitive these are not even on your radar because they are not allowed in the house.
DeleteNo one is setting these on fire. They are warming them to slightly melt the wax that bonds the fragrance because it is water soluble. These are just solid fabric softner. People are not going to the hospital because of this. Come on if they were like the news wouldn't jump on this. "Next on news 10. The deadly laundry additive that could kill you and your kids. How one Boston woman narrowly escaped death and how Proctor and Gamble did nothing to stop it"
I'm not sure why someone would try this when they make laundry scented candles. Like if your going to melt or burn something to make your house smell like laundry, why not go with something that is actually intended to melt?
ReplyDeleteBecause they don't make Bounce Outdoor Fresh scented candles. It really is that specific. Those generic "fresh linen" candles that are on the market don't smell like the real laundry products.
DeleteTry Pink Zebra Sprinkles. Soy wax made in the USA... Non-Toxic. They Look the same
Why use these things at all? Even though they go into your wash cycle there is a residue that stays on the clothes as you put them into the dryer. The residue is wax and it is going to melt into your clothes. That is how the scent is supposed to stay so long in your clothes (personally, I don't want my clothes fighting my perfume).
ReplyDeleteThe same residue that melts into your clothes also melts onto the dryer's lint screen. The same can be said for dryer sheets. Feel one, doesn't it feel waxy to you?
If you have been using those pellets or sheets for a while, take out your dryer screen, remove the lint and then run it under your sink faucet. How much of the water is going through the little screen holes?
If they are plugged from wax build up the dryer cannot breathe. The dryer exhales through the trap and into the outside air.
If only a small amount of air is getting out of your dryer, you run the risk of burning the motor of it out. No fresh scent is worth that! Use 1/2 cup of baking soda ion your rinse water and your clothes will smell neutral, the way clothes should smell. One sign that your dryer may not be "breathing right is it takes long or more cycles to dry your clothes. My brother is a Kenmore repairman and it was on his advice that I stopped using all fabric softeners and went to baking soda. I only use dryer sheets now to help my paper cutting dies to release the paper!
Oh man think of the chemicals though....I have my Scent lady...I only buy candles from her! She hooks me up with awesome deals! And each candle and tart has a surprise piece of jewelry inside. Its more of a habit for me lol! Its candle lottery! I've pulled platanum So its like a bonus! They are better than Yankee candle. 100% soy and 100% burning clean in my home.
ReplyDeleteSo i was excited to try the downy in a wax burner after smelling my cousins house.. but decided to look into it first and decided id share.. first the ingredients.. main ingredient is POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL.. (which if u dont know is what they use to make antifreeze and brake fluid) It is combustible and can cause health issues if inhaled as a vapor, mist or aerosal. Here is a link to the cdc w more info.. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ershdb/EmergencyResponseCard_29750031.html
ReplyDeleteAnd link for ingredients to the unstoppables. .
WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!! Ethylene Glycol and Polyethylene Glycol are two totally different substances. Polyethylene Glycol has extremely low toxicity and is used in prescription and over the counter drugs, toothpaste, deodorant, and hand lotions just to name a few.
DeleteLow toxicity if you use it once in a while...but as you stated it is in almost every product you use...therefore you are likely putting a huge toxic burden on your body..
DeleteInhalation of this product esp in its concentrated state is very unsafe.
Thanks for the info Bradensmom14.. Here's the thing, I am all for being inventive and creative. But regardless of how fantastic this smells, it just does not sound very safe to be breathing in those chemicals. Many of us work hard to keep our famillies healthy. Shopping for safely produced food and bpa free containers to put it all in. We'll go to great lengths to find safe, non toxic cleaners and worry about the toxicity of our home furnishings (paint, carpets, bedding etc) At the very least, using unstoppables in the manner suggested is quite risky in several ways. There is a world of difference between scented candles and waxes that are intended to be burned (or warmed) this way, compared to taking a product intended for laudry and burning / warming that.
ReplyDeleteLets use some common sense people!
As Jennifer Koch rightly pointed out, just because people aren't immediately choking to death on the fumes, does not mean that it is safe to use this way! Remember, in the 1930's - 1950's Cigarettes were advertized as good for you!? Because nobody died right away, it seemed perfectly fine!
I myself have tried this. As a military mom and wife i take precautions very seriously. I agree and disagree with all the comments I've seen. Yes it is made for washing clothes but so is water. You have more chance of a chance inhaling toxins outside than you do inside from detergent. I don't see what the big idea of getting upset because one person choses to use is and the other doesn't. We are all inclined to opinions but its unnecessary to fight about things that are meaningless. Soldiers like me don't fight to keep our country safe so you guys can fight over what's safe in a wax burner.
Deleteoh eff off. You don't get to invoke military service on issues like this. Get over yourself. This is the most arrogant thing I've ever read. Seriously.
Delete^^^what anonymous said lol
DeleteYou are very misinformed military Mom. With that response i am positive you need to reevaluate what you consider safe.
DeleteCheck out some of your favorite products with the environmental working group. You will be surprised at what you find
Wow...didn't drop rank so no one cares, your point is invalid there military mom, wife or soldiers whatever it is that you are. I personally don't think that our Armed Forces fought so that I could discuss with my friend which fast food joint is better...McDonalds or Burger King. Which it is totally Burger King all the way, I should know former employee/mom of an employee right here so I know these things. See sounds stupid because it is. But yet if a member of the Armed Forces was to get his or her panties twisted because they didn't fight for that right for me to discuss McDonalds and Burger King...well BRING IT, because I bet they have had worse conversations about things that aren't what they were out there fighting for them damn selves.
DeleteBoy you couldn't be more wrong. That's exactly why you fight. To protect our rights under the US Constitution. If you don't see freedom of speech as our most precious right by all the People's of this world who don't have it you missed something in your service. Whether you agree with it is your choice but to try and pull some holy than thou stance because you served is an insult to the men and women who truly sacrificed by dying.
DeleteYou should be ashamed for even bringing up your service. It's irrelevant. It's insulting.
Bradensmom, these are made with polyethylene glycol, not ethylene glycol. Polyethylene glycol is used in many medicinal applications and has a low toxicity. Ethylene glycol has a substantially higher toxicity and is the stuff used in antifreeze.
ReplyDeleteI would be worried over time what harmful effects these chemicals you are melting would have on people who have asthma, allergies, copd, and other lung issues. I would never chance it with my family.
ReplyDeleteI keep baking powder in my shower and simply swab my tub after a shower to keep it sparkling. "Accidentally, I discovered that if it mixes with my clarifying shampoo, it shines everything up even better and with greater ease! It also smells like a perm. Being a lisenced cosmetologist, I'd say it practically is a perm, as baking powder and clarifying shampoo are both high pH to start with. When I saw a pin on Pintrest for this mix to be used for toddler play, I almost fell off my chair! Can't they smell it!? The pin said, " It will get their hands clean too! ":-() !!!
ReplyDeleteBaking powder or baking soda?
DeleteI do this in all my scentsy burners and it is AWESOME. Big fat OH PLEASE about "chemicals." It is also way more cost effective than scentsy, a jar is $7 and you only have to use a very small bit at a time because the scent is so concentrated, and the scent lasts longer. One jar would last for months and months dividing it between two scentsys, which is what I do, and I burn it every day.
ReplyDeleteIs this electric oil burner??
ReplyDeleteOk I started doing this when I found it on Pintrest. I know that there's a wishy washy opinion on it and I'm not trying to get into what others may or may not find ok. However, after doing this at least 3 times a week (with water) for about a year my children started to have horrible headaches not to mention me but I have migrains anyway. I wasn't sure what was causing them and we went through an extensive home allergy test. Long story short they had a poisonous reaction to a chemical in it. I have started to have heart issues where my heart beats to fast for long periods of time like someone on drugs and I've never even smoked. the doctors think the laundry in the burner may be the issue with me too. My children had to have antibiotics for over 2 months and now they are damaged when it comes to smells because I didn't know. so if by hearing my story and you still feel ok using this then ok just know that years from now when issues pop up that you were warned.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you're saying. I haven't tried it yet. In my case many natural scent give me migraines and even make me nauseous. For instance cinnamon is the worst, vannila, peanut butter to name a few. I am not allergic to any of these things but the scent is way too strong for me even in small amounts. I've never used unstoppables even in the wash but I'm going to try it since I found a scent that I like. The good thing about it is I can make it as strong or as weak as I like. For me I'll try putting a few drops in wax melts that don't have any more scent in them so it wouldn't be just The scent booster in my electric warmer which also doesn't have a light bulb or gets overly hot. Hopefully this is a safer option.
DeleteWow! So many comments on here! Try making a mixture of vanilla, cinnamon and orange peel or some sort of natural things you already have in your cupboard that's safe enough to eat! I think it smells great and is fun to come up with your own scent!
ReplyDeleteI use vanilla and love it, smells great and don't cost that much and it makes your house smell like u have been baking ;)
DeleteWow! So many comments on here! Try making a mixture of vanilla, cinnamon and orange peel or some sort of natural things you already have in your cupboard that's safe enough to eat! I think it smells great and is fun to come up with your own scent!
ReplyDeleteperfect lol
DeleteThis is beyond ridiculous i have seen everything from people bashing cause we use scent boosters in our wax burners to people talking down on a fellow soldier who is fighting for our freedom people need to have more respect nowadays who cares if we use them wjo cares if you dont ive done my reseach and they are no more harmful in my wax warmer than you spraying your crappy perfume or hairspray dying your hair using spray paint ect. Not to mention there are alot worse things you can DIE from than this and alot of them are legal so why dont yall just back off and shut up live your life we live ours no need for bashing and immaturity
ReplyDeleteI bought one of those over priced scents candle warmers did not last I found out all are the same
ReplyDeletethere is nothing that smells better than Downy's Unstopables Fresh scent. I use it with every load of laundry I do...I also use the plug ins of it...and the air freshener. I am bit obsessed with it. I also mix some if the beads with water in a spray bottle and use it like a febreeze...um...now I'm thinking it may not be such s great idea...but I'm addicted to the scent. even after reading these posts, I'm thinking about putting some in my burner....
ReplyDeleteIf anyone on her drives anything other than an electic or hydro powered vehicle or smokes anything (e cigarettes included) I would suggest you just stop commenting bc the amount of toxins poisons and what not emitted ever time you turn the key or puff and pass is far worse than any product listed here. When you like or dislike something you can always find a strong basis (factual or hypothetical) to support your stance. Even the woman with a degree in chemistry up a bit in the comments isnt moved by mass hysteria.... Must be a reason. If you dont know how to research and fact check for yourself, well too bad for you but don't join the "this is awful" bandwagon solely on second hand knowledge....even if that knowledge comes from another well known company (obviously their focus is to further promote their own products)
ReplyDeleteBottom line: common sense isn't so common and sound reasoning rather than conjecture would do many of you a world of good.
Disclaimer: if I by chance misspelled anything, chalk it up to big thumbs, a tiny phone, and no time to proof read bc it's time to pick up the kiddos from school.
It's not second hand knowledge when after 25 years of suffering of migraines they magically vanish after ditching all those perfumed summer spring mountain day joy detergents.
DeleteMigraine in a box poison.... no thanks. Not in my laundry, not in my house. Bad enough I have to smell everyone around me using that cocktail of chemicals.
ReplyDeleteYou should check out Gold Canyon Warmers...with their pods..not only do their warmers not OVERHEAT..they have timers too. check them out at: freecandles4u.com
ReplyDeleteplease read this before commenting on this article. this is the patent for the micropearls
i would also suggest you look up what each of the ingredients do individually and make your own mind up
feel free to pop on over to my wax melts page lush melts or on my website www.lushmelts.co.uk fantasitc prices for wax tarts, wax bars gift sets oil burners hampers for highly fragranced melts! https://www.facebook.com/wax.melt.sales/
ReplyDeleteHas anyone even read the h&s pdf provide it pretty much contradicts all conserns raised it this little article. It is not toxic
ReplyDeleteThey do not expect it to cause harm
Any fire it is involved in can be put out with water.
Breathing it is not harmful it is a perfume that's it's whole purpose is to be smelled for gods sake.
Obviously don't out right try to burn it with a lighter or something but walking it to melt aught not do any harm at all.
This info is in the PDF provide by the original poster not from my own made up thoughts but from the p&g themselves
*warming it to melt it.
DeleteI actually use the Purex laundry crystals. They don't melt, are much less expensive than Downey, and last longer. And they smell better.
ReplyDeleteThey are a massive fire risk as they have oils that catch fire
I think the point people are missing is that none of your other "safer" recommendations will smell this good, if this scent is what you like. I tried to use the Fresh scent beads in a warmer, for me the result was not intense enough...so I just bought the expensive plug ins of this scent by glade for Downey....they make your home Smell incredible...pricey but worth it.
ReplyDeleteIf you've never tried pink Zebra you have no idea what you're missing they are way stronger than scentsy or any wax cubes from any retail store! Yankee tarts don't stand a chance against pink zebra
DeleteYou won't regret trying it! All products are toxic and chemical free! Have plenty of scents to choose from and you can mix them to create your own!!
I think the point people are missing is that none of your other "safer" recommendations will smell this good, if this scent is what you like. I tried to use the Fresh scent beads in a warmer, for me the result was not intense enough...so I just bought the expensive plug ins of this scent by glade for Downey....they make your home Smell incredible...pricey but worth it.
ReplyDeleteI found this blog post while looking up a question about scent booster products. First... let me just tell you that I am not a "green and clean" living kind of person. I clean with chemicals, eat non organic foods and burn regular wax candles. Yesterday I decided to mix some gain scent boosters with water and spritz the furniture and linens around the house. Heck, the house was smelling so good that I was half tempted to spray the 3 stinky dogs too. (I didn't! ) ironically, immediately after I used the spray... I felt cold symptoms coming on. Stuffy nose, scratchy throat and an eye that was watering non stop. Lovely! This morning, my eye is swollen and I am coughing, yet I am pretty certain that this is not a cold, but a reaction to this product. Hence the reason I was online looking to see if anyone else has suffered this kind of reaction from the scent boosters.
ReplyDeletethey are NOT poisonous... RELAXXXX
ReplyDeleteIt all comes down to this:
ReplyDeleteIf the air in your home is inhaled by healthy adults (not even healthy children or senior citizens) and you don't plan to have your house frequently filled with the fumes produced from heating these beads, then you will PROBABLY be ok. But for someone like me with asthma, a child or an elderly adult, I just wouldn't risk it. Even most (not all) wax melts put off harmful chemicals when used in excess and most people I know with wax warmers have them on daily. Even 24-7.
Just be smart people. There are phthalate plasticizers (which are known to cause health problems) that aren't banned for use in fragrance oils that scent candles and wax melts, knowing that they'll be inhaled. I'm not sure I'd want to inhale the fumes from a product that isn't even intended to be inhaled...even if I didn't have asthma.
To put this in a different perspective, if you ingest marijuana edibles or use marijuana derived salves you would not be subjecting yourself to the same risks as someone SMOKING marijuana. It's smoke going into lungs. Therefore it's a game changer even when it's harmless in other applications. The same line of thought applies to this situation.
I understand not everyone here will care if it's potentially harmful somewhere down the road. After all there are still cigarette smokers. But this info is for those who do.
Side note: To the individual who had the chest x-ray and CBC (complete blood count) that was perfectly normal...speaking as a medical professional I can tell you that crest x-rays commonly come back as normal even for cigarette smokers. Things like this generally cause viable damage over time. Chest x-rays also aren't the best modality for determining if your lungs have suffered no damage. However, they are effective in determining if an individual has pneumonia. Based on eBay you were saying, I'd guess that's what they were looking for. As for blood tests, nothing is EVER found in a blood test that isn't specifically looked for. I have doubts that the chemicals found in this product are a part of a routine CBC.
Happy (and smart) sniffing all!
It all comes down to this:
DeleteIf the air in your home is inhaled by healthy adults (not even healthy children or senior citizens) and you don't plan to have your house frequently filled with the fumes produced from heating these beads, then you will PROBABLY be ok. But for someone like me with asthma, a child or an elderly adult, I just wouldn't risk it. Even most (not all) wax melts put off harmful chemicals when used in excess and most people I know with wax warmers have them on daily. Even 24-7.
Just be smart people. There are phthalate plasticizers (which are known to cause health problems) that aren't banned for use in fragrance oils that scent candles and wax melts, knowing that they'll be inhaled. I'm not sure I'd want to inhale the fumes from a product that isn't even intended to be inhaled...even if I didn't have asthma.
To put this in a different perspective, if you ingest marijuana edibles or use marijuana derived salves you would not be subjecting yourself to the same risks as someone SMOKING marijuana. It's smoke going into lungs. Therefore it's a game changer even when it's harmless in other applications. The same line of thought applies to this situation.
I understand not everyone here will care if it's potentially harmful somewhere down the road. After all there are still cigarette smokers. But this info is for those who do.
Side note: To the individual who had the chest x-ray and CBC (complete blood count) that was perfectly normal...speaking as a medical professional I can tell you that crest x-rays commonly come back as normal even for cigarette smokers. Things like this generally cause visable damage over time. Chest x-rays also aren't the best modality for determining whether or not your lungs have suffered no damage. However, they are effective in determining if an individual has pneumonia. Based on eBay you were saying, I'd guess that's what they were looking for. As for blood tests, nothing is EVER found in a blood test that isn't specifically looked for. I have doubts that the chemicals found in this product are a part of a routine CBC.
Happy (and smart) sniffing all!
I apologize for the duplicate book. I needed to make a couple of corrections.
ReplyDeleteAlso...I have read the Snopes article as well as the Umstoppables MSDS pdf file. I believe Snopes was off the mark on this one for very specific reasons that I'd typed up but lost when my battery died. At the end of the day, the Snopes article also needs a Snopes article.
If its that bad of a product to melt and inhale then why would you wash clothes in it and wear. I use these in the warmer. It works. No irritation no dangerous fumes. In fact the aerosol sprays were the worst. Just my two scents.
ReplyDeleteIf its that bad of a product to melt and inhale then why would you wash clothes in it and wear. I use these in the warmer. It works. No irritation no dangerous fumes. In fact the aerosol sprays were the worst. Just my two scents.
ReplyDeleteWrong I bought the candle they were on sale super discounted as they are being discontinued and it burned overnight while I slept. Now I can't breathe and I'm going to the ER.
ReplyDeleteيعلن لكم مركز صيانة الكتروستار
ReplyDeleteللاجهزة الكهربائيه عن توفير خدمة الدعم الفنى المتنقل من خلال كل مراكز توكيل الكتروستار
فى جميع انحاء الجمهورية اتصلوا بنا الان من خلال موقعنا
Pink zebra everyone! You won't regret trying it! All products are toxic and chemical free! Have plenty of scents to choose from and you can mix them to create your own!!
I am baffled. Why are people so desperate to fragrance their home that they are willing to risk damaging their health? Maybe it's just that the first whiff burned away half their brain cells. There is no proof that it's NOT bad for you, so why risk it? Are you going to get sick if your house DOESN'T smell like fresh laundry? Just because you burn it in your house a few times and don't notice anything wrong with you right away doesn't mean it's not hurting you gradually or in ways you can't feel. Some of you are just being defensive, because if you admit they're right you'd have to be embarrassed for trying something so stupid. Stuff like this is why people end up with cancer. They start feeling sick and go to the doctor and surprise! Stage 3 lung cancer. But it couldn't have been the fumes from the fragrance, right, even though they are known carcinogens? After all, it didn't happen right away! As you lie on your bed coughing your last, console yourself with the knowledge that your life may have been shortened, but at least your house smelled good.
ReplyDeleteMost of the people who complains about using the crystals or the unstopable are scentsy sellers I've noticed this scentsy is an over priced on all their stuff, I never bought anything from them, I will always put crystals or unstopable in my wax warmers and I also put coconut oil and essential oils in my wax warmers also
ReplyDeleteIt's so amazing and helpful blog about the scented wax melts and all detail are very informative well done.
ReplyDeletescented wax melts
Hahahaha this certainly made me laugh out loud lmao. I am not sure why some women are so bored they want to try and scare women into not making their home smell good,? Maybe they want everyone to be afraid to live life just the same as they are, who knows but I can promise you that this is completely safe as long as it's not left heating up unattended. The ONLY danger from this is from someone who would leave it unattended. Just turn off your warmer before you leave your home, that's all folks! Have a wonderful day
ReplyDeleteUrgent! My wax melt warmer j caught fire! I put 1 unstoppable melt in the top and a tealight candle in the bottom. Somehow, it was blazing all around and on top the candle and water and salt didnt put it out! Baking soda did finally. My house was smoked by t time i came o7t of my bedroom to liv rm and seen it. A cheap 2 piece ceramic warmer but those unstoppable flames scared me. I was unable t pick up t warmer t throw outside bc of flames. I still dont know why. Tossed both my candle warmers out. Still not trusting of my elec one. Also tissed t unstoppable melts. Those flames were something.
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