"get rid of unwanted hair ANYWHERE! For 1 week, rub 2 tbsp coffee grounds mixed with 1 tsp baking soda. The baking soda intensifies the compounds of the coffee breaking down the hair follicles at the root!"
This was submitted by a couple of fans on our facebook page last week and I knew I just HAD to do a write up on it.
So let's a take a look - does a simple scrub of coffee grounds and baking soda break down hair so you have to shave less? No. Again, with the idea that the cure to any beauty mishap is in your kitchen. This is along the same lines as the brown sugar straightener and other kitchen turn beauty product ideas. But why won't this work?
Well because studies have actually been done on the effects of caffeine and hair growth. In fact, studies have found that caffeine is a great way to get hair to grow more thicker and stronger, and was used in a study of men suffering from alopecia (aka: male pattern baldness) The details of the study can be read here (PubMed) and seem rather strong in the findings.

Besides, a quick search later, I found the source of the image. And guess what? It's not about a miracle coffee hair thing at all, but a face scrub how to (also great DIY for a fake beard come halloween time) Now as a exfoliant I have some concerns - you skin is highly delicate despite what some people think, and harsh scrubs can actually damage the skin, causing micro tears and clogged pores. However caffeine has been shown as a great skin treatment, so just make sure the coffee is ground finely and you should be fine, but don't expect any hair loss from this scrub.
You are only addressing the caffeine part- not the baking soda part. How do you know the combination of the two does not work to stop hair growth? Have you tried it? Obviously combining baking soda would alter the chemical makeup of the coffee- just saying.
ReplyDeleteI posted about the issue with using baking soda on your skin on another post, but basically baking soda pH isn't necessarily good for your skin or hair.
In fact a quick search pulls up a lot of people who believe baking soda causes hair to grow faster (which is another thing I should look into studying and possibly busting) but I highly doubt the combo of coffee and baking soda would do anything to limit hair growth, never mind the orginal source of the image has nothing to do with hair growth at all.
The only source of the idea I can find for the combo of coffee and baking soda is on pinterest, pinned along with the original image posted here which was missed use in the original pin, so I'm highly skeptical that it is anything more than a sham or troll post.
I'll be a guinea pig. I'll try it on my back hair.
DeleteIf you know anything about chemistry you would know that mixing in baking soda with coffee grounds wouldn't do anything. They are two solids that would make a heterogenous mixture. No reaction is taking place changing the chemical make up of the coffee.
DeleteIsn't the point of this to "harm" the hair? Basically needing to kill it, so why wouldn't the "Ph balance" being bad for hair in turn be a good thing? And I would assume adding water to the mixture would result in a chemical reaction, right?
DeleteIf it does , everyone who swim will go bald , or say hot spring
DeleteAdding water doesn't automatically cause a chemical reaction to occur. Did you take Chemistry?
DeleteBaking soda is actually used to wash hair as a substitute for shampoo, so I doubt it damages hair, if anything, it might be quite healthy and stimulating for it.
DeleteMakes me wonder in fact, whether that combination could be a nice hair growing boost foor long hair.
actually,baking soda is highly alkaline which has the ability to open the hair cuticle resulting to dryness and breakage if used in high saturation like boiling baking soda until it wont desolve,thats why hair chemical products use to rebond or alter the hair composition is highly alkaline because in order to alter the hair to make it straight from curly,u need to first open the cuticle for thekidney chemical to penetrate the hair.
DeleteI'm going to be my own lab rat and try this...not on my face though....will get back to you with results....(as soon as I'm released from the hospital) , Just kidding I hope but the real Myth Busters say "gotta try it to bust it ) :)
ReplyDeleteKrex, have you had success? The date today is 3/15/2015
DeleteI would like to now too
I just came across this...and I wanna know if out worked too!
DeleteI just came across this...and I wanna know if out worked too!
DeleteKrex do you have those results? No rush man.
Delete@Krex- Results????
ReplyDelete@Krex- Results????
ReplyDeleteDoes it actually?!!
DeleteWhat does woooooors mean? Never heard the word wors before so just curious!
DeleteKrex is dead due to coffee&baking soda complications
ReplyDeleteLolololol!!!!! 😂
DeleteKrex is avoiding the subject because it does not work.
ReplyDeleteThis does not work. Check out this link.
WELL I have done this 1 x a day for 3 days - after doing the gentle rub on my stash - it really does seem to be working - after rinsing coffee off - I use a good face cream.. so far - so good...
ReplyDeleteI too have been using it and it's working!
Deletehe mentions it' works to make your hair GROW. so does it do that???
ReplyDeletehrmmmmmm. methinks this article was written as hastily as the original 'get rid of hair with coffee/baking soda trick'. I notice that the first commenter mentioning his neglect of the baking soda component leads the article writer to comment back with an easy-to-miss-amid-my-confidence stating "but I highly doubt the combo of coffee and baking soda would do anything to limit hair growth". If you haven't tested or otherwise found irrefutable debunking of this chemical reaction - which I was hoping to find in your article, sir - why did you post your rebuttal at all? I have no idea if it works, and don't want to have to paint it on my face to find out. The internet is clogged with confusion without adding more pseudoscience to it. First commenter is absolutely right from a chemistry standpoint.
DeleteWhat chemical reaction? Seriously, write it out for us what you think the chemical reaction would be.
DeleteUmmm, as previously stated many times I might add... THERE IS NO CHEMICAL REACTION!!!!!
Delete"Me thinks" you need to read before you write... "Me also thinks" you now look very foolish!
I did it once a day for three (because I got busy and lazy ) till the used grinds started to dry while I rubbed it and I did see there was a difference not completely gone but for the most part and its been over six months that I did it and they are kinda coming back not fast or thick though
ReplyDeleteI do not know about this mixture. but I myself have been using baking soda alone as a hair removal therapy which has been very useful for me. some brands work better of course. I am from iran and am studying in malaysia. the baking soda i used back in my country was not as useful as the one i am using here in malaysia. this one is really working and I can say that there is somehow no hair left on my skin.
the method is that immediately after waxing your body or treading your face mix enough amount of baking soda with a little water and make a muddy mixture on the palm of your hand and then rub the mixture all over the area of the skin you wish no hair to grow anymore. or wet your skin and then rub baking soda on your wet skin. when it gets dry, wet the area and rub again as long as you can. any part of the skin whose hairs have come out and baking soda has reached the hair root will never grow hair again. leave the white powder on your skin up to the time you need to bath (the longer the better). if you repeat this action every time you wax or tread your unwanted hair, it won't take long to get rid of all your unwanted hair. please be in contact and let me know of the results. hope it will, the same as me and some of my friends who have tried this, fall useful for you and your friends too. the hair will permanently be gone. a soft, light and pore-less skin will god willing be left for you too.
Do you know if this works for shaving as well? Or is it just when hair comes out by the root?
Deletehi! i hope you are still checking this. What you are saying is that baking soda acts only after the hair has been plucked out. Does it work also as a thinning agent? I have super strong hair (sometimes it feels like they are made of strong plastic) and it hurts enormously if/when i wax or pluck them out. I used to treat some kind of acne by putting coconut oil and baking soda all day long and i noticed that the hair would get thinner and some even fall of. So i am hoping that the same tactics would work also on other parts of my body. I guess i need reassurance, some testimonial proof that it really can help me out with this.
DeleteI can't believe that in the 21st century and all the new techologies today humans did't find a permanent solution to the problem of unwanted body hair !!!
This one was terrible. Almost as bad as covering your hair in brown sugar and expecting it to dry pin straight.
ReplyDeleteBaking soda is incredibly abrasive and, if you have even mildly sensitive skin, the results could be disastrous. I once used it on my face from a pin I saw ensuring me it was just like microdermabrasion. All I ended up with was red, raw, splotchy skin. Use baking soda very, very sparingly in your beauty routine, if you must.
However, I have incorporated coffee grounds into my routine with fantastic results. I just toss the morning's espresso grounds into a jar and keep it in the fridge, and use it as an exfoliant in the shower. Not only are they very gentle and effective, that smell in my morning shower seriously helps to wake me up.
When you get microabrasion done, it leaves your skin red, raw and blotchy....
DeleteInteresting, never hair anything like that, is there anybody who use this and get any practical result?
ReplyDeleteCaffeine can be absorbed through your skin. There are several products currently available which take advantage of that fact, such as soaps containing caffeine. Even used coffee grounds contain caffeine; you bet they help wake you up! I find the coffee ground/baking soda scrub notion intriguing but very unconvincing, since I and my daughter have both been using the "no poo" (baking soda scrub followed by diluted cider vinegar rinse) hair cleansing for a couple of months now. Seems to me that leaves three options: either the coffee/soda exfoliant doesn't work, or it does work and the two of us should be going bald, or it does work but only if you use the two together - the soda alone is definitely not an exfoliant. I'd still kind of like to hear from someone who has really tried it out for a couple of weeks, though, just for curiosity's sake.
ReplyDeleteBy the way - if you're curious or skeptical about the "no poo", it only costs a couple of dollars to try it out (or nothing, if you already have those two things in your kitchen). My personal experience is that the cider vinegar is the most amazing detangler I've ever used (and I've tried a LOT of different detanglers), the soda scrub feels weird, my scalp is healthier, and I am never going back to normal shampoo. Although I do intend to experiment with making herbal or floral infused vinegars, because a slight odor of vinegar lingers while my hair is still damp. It's gone once fully dry, though!
I am also on the no-poo regimen and it is definitely an exfoliant, but that's what scrubs off the dead build up on the scalp. Which is why I only use the baking soda and acv every week or so; and the rest of the washes are just water.
DeleteI used to use baking soda as an exfoliant on my face years before I discovered no-poo. But I had to be painfully gentle for it to work effectively.
can anyone actually post their name and if they have conclusive results?
ReplyDeleteUnwanted hair is more than just a small beauty problem for a lot of men and women. In fact, it causes many people to be very self-conscious. While plucking and shaving are old-fashioned ways of removing excess hair, modern technologies have given individuals a new solutions when it comes to permanent hair removal.
ReplyDeleteIt works! Unless you give it a try, you'll never know.
DeleteIts working for me very well. Though I use a hot was cloth to wipe it off. Followed by face cream or aloe
And my results have been great
Perhaps if your going to run a blog you should proof read your work. "More thicker" is not grammatically correct.
ReplyDeleteThis is without a doubt my favorite comment.
DeleteYou rock.
It's (you're) as in "if you are going to run a blog" not (your) as in "your own grammar skills are in question".
Delete^^^ ♡♡♡^^^
DeleteHahaha, small laughs to fill my day.
Delete"When insulting someone's intelligence over the internet, one should be mindful of their own spelling and grammar. In other words, don't call someone a retard when you spell like a retard."
Delete-Adam Buckley
You are an idiotttt
DeleteLoll! Exactly!
Deletedues this work or no
ReplyDeleteYes it does. I've been doing this baking soda along with brewed coffee grinds and the hair on my face is now gone. But ,I've also been using a hot wash cloth to wash it off. Followed by face cream it's amazing!
DeleteNext is using it on my legs.
even if it grows back I have now a convenient and easy way to rid myself of it
Did you add water to it, or just the baking soda and coffee grounds? Also how long did you wait before you removed it? Thank you!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehey, does it come back??
Deletehey, does it come back??
Deletei think it was well written, i smiled alot and to wining on orthographic correctness (grammar) so intensly makes you the grammar nazi of the day :)
ReplyDeleteSay whatever you want about baking soda being bad for hair but I use it regularly but buffer it with conditioner or an olive oil/honey mix and it's an amazing clarifier and allows my low porosity hair to really make the best of my deep conditioning treatments. And I have sensitive skin BTW.
ReplyDeletePlease can someone tell me if coffee with baking soda helps to remove unwanted hair. Has anyone tried it? What's the result?
ReplyDeleteplz tell m baking soda alone is work
ReplyDeleteCould you find out if the turmeric and salt "hair removal" method works?
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere a method with tumeric and grarahm masala mix. That's all I know
DeleteI try my first treatment with mix of coffe and baking soda
ReplyDeletemy skin feel tight and soft
my skin hair on my hands and legs are smoohier than before..i feel it more thinner
This is the craziest chain I've ever seen, no o,e has actually tried this idea to see of it actually works or not and everyone seems to just be debating on whether or not I would work, the world may never know it seems
ReplyDeleteWTF? The guy right before you tried it???
DeleteActually many of them told that thay have tried it..
DeleteActually many of them told that thay have tried it..
DeleteVery informative post review. I am pleased to have come accross this article. I was eagerly looking for a post that give such information. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteI have some relevant information you can review below
hair removal for men
Today is my day 1 with this remedy I will keep you posted
ReplyDeleteThe author of this post lost all credibility with me when he wrote, "alopecia (aka: male pattern baldness)." Alopecia is not male pattern baldness. It is a disorder, which effects men and woman alike, where a person's immune system attacks their hair follicles. On any area of the body. It doesn't just effect a man's head. Male pattern baldness is just that. Do your research. Which brings me to my other point. For you to try coffee grounds in one "experiment" and baking soda in an entirely different one, then conclude that the combination of the two does nothing for preventing hair growth is inconclusive. You're results are null and void. You have to actually use them together before you can say they don't work. While each may not work as a separate entity, they may work in tandem to reduce hair growth.
ReplyDelete"You're results are null and void." I meant *your.
DeleteThe word is "affect," not "effect." The first is a verb; the second, a noun.
DeleteSomeone said baking soda is not good for skin. I completely disagree. I use a baking soda/ water paste. At least once a week, I make this paste, scrub my face with it, and wash it off. My face feels amazing, it's softer, clearer, and looks great.
ReplyDeleteSame here. Baking soda is awesome.
DeleteI'd assume everyone's skin is different... also depending how hard you scrub..
DeleteThis article was so clearly biased and I just wanted to say that while I agree with those complaining it is harsh on the face one should still not completely discredit this method because it works wonders on the body, if you're not too sensitive. Also for those wanting to remove unwanted facial hair there are other more suitable methods that do not irritate the face as much as coffee and baking soda would. For example the whole wheat flour and water method or the turmeric method (I would look into them if you are truly interested). By the way, yes I have tried this coffee and baking soda method with excellent results so I'm not just going off on my opinion of whether or not it works like the author of this article.
ReplyDeleteDid you use after waxing your hairs?
DeleteGuys I used this just yesterday, so far nothing, but my skin was really soft and shiny after using it.
ReplyDeleteAre u suppose to use water or not and has any one tried this yet
ReplyDeleteI just tried it on my toe which has the finest hair in an area i would like to remove hair in, and it didnt work ... now my toe is extremely soft but the hair remains lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh.
Deleteit's not supposed to work instantly - it says it deadens the hair roots which isn't sudden death - its a process not a quick fix
DeleteI don't know about how the effectiveness of this, however I happened upon the article whole searching baking soda and hair removal. The reason for my search is that I use coconut oil and baking soda as a deodorant. The AC in my car was not working and I drive a lot so I thought using additional baking soda in my deo mix was wise. First of all, it burns some so I don't know about on the face, however as I was about to shave under my arms, I noticed patches of very smooth hairless skin, not the slightest stubble. I continued using the mixture and haven't needed to shave in over a week. This has only happened after adding extra baking soda. Now the "why"... I don't know, hence I searched and found this. If it is not in relation to the ph, maybe it's just because it was more abrasive and lots of movement throughout the day. I'm torn on the results because while it's awesome not having to shave, I'm slightly concerned...can't decide if it's a side effect that happens to be good or it's causing an issue. I will continue searching for my answer, but thought someone may want to know my experience. -Megan
ReplyDeleteLol I used this mixture on my legs and almost on my V....
ReplyDeleteAh is now totally confused bout hair removal but I knows heaps more about grammar... whatever that be...
ReplyDeleteYes we do! ;)
DeleteI used to do this everyday in my armpit and it didnt work, but i noticed that i smelled like coffee when i sweat
ReplyDeletecoffee does in fact react to baking soda. Coffee is super acidic, when you add baking soda however, you neutralize the acidic properties of it. I believe that's why the baking soda is vital to make it work
ReplyDeleteHey guys! I tried it for the first time today. I brewed coffee and then combined 2 tablespoons of the wet grounds with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. I may have scrubbed a little hard because the skin on my legs is a tad itchy but super soft. I also used it on my underarms. I'll actually come back one week from today to update you all.
Where are you Stacey?
Deleteleaves a ughly mess
ReplyDeleteJust remember everyone is different,while this may work on some people it may not on others.
ReplyDeleteHey guys wanna remove hair permanently try this (cat shit + ACV) I know its disgusting but it works.... I had a lot of hair in my chin and neck area I used this method and it worked...
ReplyDeleteHumm...Thank you for posting this post . It is really good type of posts for knowing unknowing things. Best coffee maker is very coffer maker in these time now. It is use specially home and office to make easy good coffee.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite humorous that this post became a grammatical agenda versus the truth on the ability of these products and how well they work. This was a waste of my time.
ReplyDelete"More thicker". Wow!
ReplyDeletemy brother is always worried about getting bald because he loses much hair due to stress, so I gave NuhairRX Serum to him and after a couple of weeks we’ve seen a difference, now there’s no hair falling after he brushes his hair. It’s very effective and didn’t cause any allergic reaction or anything.
ReplyDeleteHair Growth Shampoos
Coffee STIMULATES HAIR GROWTH. DO NOT use this to remove hair...
ReplyDeleteI wash my face with espresso grounds and baking soda and it is amazing. Tightens my skin. Makes it feel rejuvinated unlike all the UNnatural chemicals in everything else. Iv used every over the counter brand name everything(for at leat a month if not more before determining it doesnt work) and even prescription grade face creams. Its horrible for you to say the least. If you dont recognize the ingredients neither will your body . Natural is ALWAYS better, remember that!
ReplyDeletePoison ivy is natural.
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ReplyDeleteno one has tried this!!! amazing! all talk!
ReplyDeleteIve started it. And the mixture calls for coffe grounds, backing soda and olive oil. 2 tablespoons coffee, 1 tablespoon backing soda, mix olive oil till its a paste. Will post soon with results. It most likely works better after wax.
ReplyDeleteAny luck?
DeleteLot of info on your blog. Liked it.Hair Specialist In Bangalore
ReplyDeleteI've tried a variation of this with just coffee grounds, sugar, amd olive oil. It never completely got rid of the leg hair, but it did come back thinner and lighter - at least, that's what it seemed like to me. Not sure about any specific chemical reaction, but I rather enjoyed using a scrub every week or so. The only downside though is that if the mixture gets too wet, it just becomes a soupy, somewhat ineffective mess, so watch out for that if you ever want to try it. Anyway, this thread is half dead but I wanted to add my contribution.
ReplyDeleteHair removal is the need of both genders equally. Can men take laser hair removal? Yes, men and women can have it in different body areas. here is why an increasing number of men are opting for laser hair removal.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
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